So who approves of these sort of morally bankrupt seminars at North Central Michigan College? And is an opposing point of view ever offered? Say, the psychological costs of partaking in "safe sex." Or, that Planned Parenthood's creepy founder, Margaret Sanger, was a supporter of eugenics?
But snacks ...
NCMC is, obviously, lacking strong leadership, as evidenced by the recent resignation of a trustee who cited frustrations with the culture of the college.
ERG agrees, but, perhaps, views the culture angle, differently. Dr. David Roland Finley, the college president, et al., do have a duty to provide a certain standard of care for the young people, some still in their teens, at the college.
But are they?
Walk through the Borra Learning Center sometime, and see the flyers for the newer classes being offered, as well as the stickers on the faculty's office doors. Welcome to Wokeville!
When mostly one point of view is championed, incessantly, that's not a college dedicated to critical thinking. That's an indoctrination center. And that's not very caring. Push back against your taxpayer dollars being used for gaslighting students.
Sadly, a significant majority of colleges and community colleges, Hillsdale College being a notable exception, fail to teach their students basic skills, including history, and instead are obsessed with indoctrinating them with the radical agenda, climate change, abortion on demand, whites are racists, diversity, and the wonders of alternative sex. Ask any student at NCMC which President freed the slaves and which party did he head, and probably less than 5% will know the right answer. Also ask these students, many obsessed with the wonders of "diversity" who Margaret Sanger was, where the majority of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are located, and how many black babies are aborted by Planned Parenthood in the USA each year. They have no id…
You old white guys needn’t worry. School is like that. Lots of wild ideas floating around. It’s expected and it’s fine. College is the right time and place to explore that stuff. This is how we learn what works best for society. Our young people will come around. Have a little faith!!