ERG is posting the predictions (by percent), of its founders, for Tuesday’s GOP primaries for the 107th, 37th, and gubernatorial races. These predictions do not necessarily reflect whom the ERG leadership is voting for; it’s merely a calculated guess as to the outcome. It is also not an endorsement. It’s mostly a ‘just for the fun of it’ exercise. We extend our appreciation to all the candidates who came to our meetings and, thoughtfully, shared their platform and vision for the state. Note: This 'chart' is better viewed on a desktop or tablet.
Candidate Rich John Bill S. Wid
Carr 2 4 3 3
Fairbairn 42 36 35 43
Friske 38 40 40 40
Laughbaum 5 7 7 2
Scheel 13 13 15 12
Cole 36 38 25 30
Damoose 35 42 40 45
Hindle 4 7 15 15
Ranville 25 13 20 10
Dixon 40 28 30 32
Kelley 7 16 25 16
Rebandt 5 14 3 4
Rinke 20 24 7 28
Soldano 28 17 35 20
Craig (write-in) 1