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Emmet County is Pink, Blue, Pink

Writer's picture: ERGERG

Emmet County, Michigan used to be Red! Red! Red! What happened? Well, Petoskey happened; Harbor Springs happened; Bear Creek Township is happening. (In case you didn’t know, BCT1 voted for Whitmer, Nessel, Benson, and Decker!). Other townships are happening, also. Sadly! Now we are Pink! Blue! Pink!

Many political pundits are pontificating about the November 8th elections, and ERG will do the same analyzing the numbers. We have many reasons to be disappointed, disillusioned, and discouraged. But let us not become dissuaded, disengaged, or disaffected. The battle for responsible government wages on.

Take nothing for granted. Most of our County is in play. We need to learn lessons and move forward with confidence that our beliefs, in limited government and freedom, are good and right, and that we can make a difference.

Our next County Commission should give us hope and get us started. Congrats to Misters Ginop (64%), Gutowski (62%), Laughbaum (60%), and Mapes (55%), all commissioners-elect. We challenge Commissioners White (58%) and Ahrens (ran unopposed) to govern like Republicans, voting for lower taxes and less for 'feel-good' programs that are not mandated.

Also elected: Misters Bergman (60%), Damoose (58%), and Friske (55%). Emmet showed its pinkness in statewide races: Dixon (51%), Karamon (51%), and DePerno (52%).

A deep dive into the numbers. Just how blue is Petoskey? Well, after holding out for a couple of elections, Ward 3 has joined 1, 2, and 4 in the azure world. Ward 2 is the deepest blue, with Whitmer at 68% and Damoose at 38%. Prop 3 passed at 68%. Whitmer, Benson, and Nessel were only low 50s in Ward 3, but won there, nevertheless. They also won in Harbor Springs which has taken on a blue hue lately too, at least in state-wide races. There Props 1, 2, and 3 all passed, easily. And the liberals running for Mayor and City Council all sailed to victory, as did the Public Safety millage.

And surprise! Bear Creek Township Precinct 1 gave Whitmer, Nessel, and Benson the nod, while passing all three proposals. Even Friske lost to Decker! What’s up with BCT1? Fortunately, BCT2 overshadowed 1, holding the red line firmly. Even Prop 3 failed there!

Also, surprisingly, Readmond Township split the vote evenly for governor, AG, and SOS. On the brink, there! All 3 Props passed easily, too. Same for the props in Pleasantview and Resort.

On the bright side, Friendship and Maple River defeated all 3 props, and in Bliss, Carp Lake, Springvale, and McKinley props 2 and 3 went down. Littlefield, Center, and Cross Village voted against Prop 3. (But how did Benson win Cross Village?)

In a stroke of sanity, Petoskey voters said ‘NO’ to recreational marijuana by 55%. And by way of insanity, Harbor Springs’ public education voters missed a golden opportunity by keeping Tom Varner off the school board. They don’t get it!

Overall, only 62% of Emmet’s registered voters cast their votes. Considering what was at stake, that seems low.

Conclusion? Remain alert.

For furthering reading on this topic.


4 comentarios

18 nov 2022

Wow, thanks for all this info! Where do you find such detailed election results? I have been wondering how my precinct came down on all the proposals.

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Miembro desconocido
19 nov 2022
Contestando a

Please See “Official Results” here (and thank GOD people like Trump & Bannon — and 2020 Election denier Neil “Free Speech!” Friske aren’t in the business of certifying our elections(?) =

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17 nov 2022

@dharveyd189 you are so correct about impersonating an officer. I remember when my dad was assigned to defend (As Emmet County has/had no public defender, the Court assigns cases to attorneys on a rotating basis.) a man who had asked a fisherman for his fishing license claiming to be a game officer. The man had been skunked and was in a disappointed bad mood. Turned out he’d asked a US Fish and Game officer, hence the charges.

That was really a no harm case while Ms Jackson caused all kinds of harm. That she’s not been charged is BEYOND.

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Miembro desconocido
17 nov 2022


* Maybe Cross Village, “in a stroke of sanity,” went for Benson because armed 2020 election denier Trump MAGA followers — posing as “white hat patriots” and as “DOD” officials — mucked up the township’s voting tabulator to the tune of about $5,000? While following orders in Jan 2021 from whacko Petoskey GOP zealot Tera Jean Jackson?

* Maybe it’s a good thing Ms. Jackson and these “patriots” had well-placed GOP friends (Lindermann & sidekick Graham) in the County DA’s office? And in GOP defense attorney (Banner). Once upon a time, impersonating a federal law officer used to be a crime? No public trial here in Emmet County: Look away!


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