Well, well, well.
Dennis Lennox, a cheerleader for the GOP donor class and self-styled political consultant, wrote a column for the Detroit News bemoaning the so-called takeover of the Republican Party, this past weekend, by activists who have "little or no interest in defeating Democrats."
That statement is 100% wrong but fairly polite. In an interview with Nick Rhudy, of WMKT, Lennox shamed these same activists as "crazies" (at the 6:55 mark).
He also insulted Kristina Karamo, the newly-elected MIGOP chair, as a "D-List" Stacey Abrams.
But the worst part of the weekend convention for Lennox? "Likewise, the kind of parties with all-you-can-drink alcohol that used to be sponsored by lobbyists and slush funds were noticeably missing from the unofficial schedule. The cup of coffee from the Michigan Education Association ended up being one of the few free drinks on offer."
Poor baby.
You can contact Dennis Lennox here.
My impression of what a state chair does and the reasons Kristina won as state chair don't jive in my mind. Perhaps Kristina can "reimagine" (sorry for the leftist terminology) how to secure victory in a new fashion then has ever been done before. Kristina is fierce, determined and non-compromising- not qualities traditionally associated with state chair. Can she rally most republicans and draw in other conservatives and some in the middle and make being a republican a thing to be admired? That's a big lift. We imagine it should work that way- by virtue of our virtues. That is what many of us believe, but is that how politics work? We shall see. Attracting big donors loo…
I would like to apologize to readers of my previous comment on this particular post about Dennis Lennox's reaction to the recent Michigan GOP state convention. I commented after reading the post, without also reading Lennox's complete op-ed in the Detroit News. While I continue to believe that Dennis Lennox is a "gadfly" and that his insulting remark about newly-elected chairman, Kristina Karamo, was uncalled for, even gadflys sometimes make sense. After reading his total opinion piece, my reading is that his comment about free alcohol at Michigan GOP events was meant to be satirical. Moreover, I actually agree with his view of the past and the future Michigan Republican Party. The Party, in the past, in my opinion,…
Good post. I know Dennis Lennox personally. He might best be described as a gadfly. Insulting Republicans indicates a lack of awareness about one's surroundings-in other words, stupidity. It is not stupid to disagree with newly-elected state chairwoman, Kristina Karamo, for example, on matters of policy, but it is stupid to gratuitously insult her.